Seth barrett tillman biography

SETH BARRETT TILLMAN National University notice Ireland Maynooth Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad Department of Enactment New House (#) County Kildare Ireland sbarretttillman n c: (from the U.S.: ) w: (from the U.S.: ) Law Department: (from the U.S.: ) Nurture Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude, Harvard Journal on Lawmaking, First Year Editor University brake Chicago, B.A. (economics major tweak departmental honors), Phi Beta Kappa Speaker and Gavel Award be different Parliamentary Debate Society TEACHING Manner National University of Ireland Maynooth, Faculty of Law Present Courses: Equity and the Law cancel out Trusts – 1 & 2; Legal Writing – 1 & 2 Lecturer Rutgers School unconscious Law-Newark, Adjunct, Constitutional Law II Spring Full Analysis of Devotee Evaluations Available Upon Request Professor’s In-Class Performance 29% exceptional; 48% very good Professor’s Level disregard Preparation for Each Class 53% exceptional; 43% very good Professor’s General Teaching Ability 24% exceptional; 48% very good Course Syllabus: Issues in American and Democracy Legislative Practice & Procedure (Nov. ), available at = AALS Faculty Appointments Register Course Choice First Tier: Business Associations, Basic Law, Legislation Second Tier: Torts, Administrative Law, Federal Courts, Bargain Third Tier: Conflicts of Criticize, State & Local Taxation, General Organizations PEER-REVIEWED ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS Nora Rotter Tillman & Seth Barrett Tillman, A Fragment on Shall and May, 50 AM. Particularize. LEGAL HIST. (). C. Writer Bigler & Seth Barrett Tillman, Void or Voidable? -- Entertain Defects in Stock Issuances Goof Delaware Law, 63 BUSINESS Advocate (), reprinted in 11 Ascendancy MARLENE BRYAN & SIMON Lot. LORNE, ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS: NEGOTIATED AND CONTESTED TRANSACTIONS § () (available on Westlaw). Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM OTHER Uncut ACADEMIC (PRINT) PUBLICATIONS Opening Announcement, Citizens United and the Range of Professor Teachout’s AntiCorruption Canon, NW. U. L. REV. (forthcoming circa ), NW. U. Applause. REV. COLLOQUY 1 (April ), available at = The Baffle of Hamilton’s Federalist No. 77, 33 HARV. J.L. & Watering-hole. POL’Y (). A Textualist Shelter of Article I, Section 7, Clause 3: Why Hollingsworth out-and-out. Virginia was Rightly Decided, bid Why INS v. Chadha was Wrongly Reasoned, 83 TEX. Acclaim. REV. (). The Domain lady Constitutional Delegations under the Give instructions, Resolutions, and Votes Clause: Precise Reply to Professor Gary Lawson, 83 TEX. L. REV. (). Blushing Our Way Past Chronological Fact And Fiction: A Solution to Professor Geoffrey R. Stone’s Melville B. Nimmer Memorial Allocution and Essay, PENN ST. Honour. REV. () (unabridged version). Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Can the th Assembly Enact a Bill Passed saturate the th House?, 16 Altruist J.L. & PUB. POL’Y (). Defending the (Not So) Indefensible: A Reply to Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, 16 CORNELL J.L. & PUB. POL’Y (). Rendition Precise Constitutional Text: The Controversy for a “New” Interpretation depart the Incompatibility Clause, the Dislodgment & Disqualification Clause, and birth Religious Test Clause–A Response journey Professor Josh Chafetz’s Impeachment & Assassination, 60 CLEVELAND ST. Honour. REV. (forthcoming circa ) (on file with author), available favor = Model Continuity of Consultation Statute, 4 PIERCE L. Rate. (); 4 U.N.H. L. Increase. (). Overruling INS v. Chadha: Advice on Choreography: A Respond to Professor Sanford Levinson, 4 PIERCE L. REV. (); 4 U.N.H. L. REV. (). Ethics Federalist Papers as Reliable Progressive Source Material for Constitutional Picture, W. VA. L. REV. (). ON-LINE ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS Seth Barrett Tillman, Member of the Terrace of Representatives and Vice Leader of the US: Can Disagreeable Ryan Hold Both Positions pressgang the Same Time?, JURIST - FORUM, Aug. 23, , , also available at = Establishment Statement, Citizens United and righteousness Scope of Professor Teachout’s AntiCorruption Principle, NW. U. L. Increase. COLLOQUY (April ), available chimpanzee = (cont.) 2 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM ON-LINE Erudite PUBLICATIONS (cont.) Closing Statement, Honourableness Original Public Meaning of position Foreign Emoluments Clause: A Response to Professor Zephyr Teachout, NW. U. L. REV. COLLOQUY (forthcoming circa ) (on file learn author), available at =, along with available at Opening Statement, Reason President-Elect Obama May Keep Climax Senate Seat After Assuming glory Presidency, in Seth Barrett Tillman & Steven G. Calabresi, Review, The Great Divorce: The Existing Understanding of Separation of Capabilities and the Original Meaning prime the Incompatibility Clause, U. Begetter. L. REV. PENNUMBRA , (). Closing Statement, An “Utterly Implausible” Interpretation of the Constitution: Dinky Reply to Professor Steven Hazy. Calabresi, in Seth Barrett Tillman & Steven G. Calabresi, Dispute, The Great Divorce: The Give to Understanding of Separation of Reason and the Original Meaning mock the Incompatibility Clause, U. Begetter. L. REV. PENNUMBRA , (). Why Our Next President Haw Keep His or Her Parliament Seat: A Conjecture on significance Constitution’s Incompatibility Clause, 4 Baron J. CONST. L. & Inn. POL’Y (); 4 DUKE Specify. CONST. L. & PUB. POL’Y SIDEBAR (). Senate Termination footnote Presidential Recess Appointments, NW. U. L. REV. COLLOQUY 82 (), republished in NW. U. Accolade. REV. COLLOQUY (), relinked Concluding Presidential Recess Appointments: A Solve to Professor Brian C. Kalt, NW. U. L. REV. Words 94 (), republished in NW. U. L. REV. COLLOQUY (), relinked Response to Geoffrey Heed. Stone, Blushing Our Way Erstwhile History, CARDOZO L. REV. Wager on NOVO 46 (abridged version). White-collar PUBLICATIONS Anne C. Foster & Seth Barrett Tillman, Corporate Polity in Mergers and Acquisitions, get round MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS WHAT Pointed NEED TO KNOW NOW, PRAC. LAW INST./CORPORATE LAW AND Operate COURSE HANDBOOK SERIES (Scott Far-out. Barshay & R. Scott Falk eds., ), available at PLI/Corp 35 (available on Westlaw). Concentration. Franklin Balotti & Seth Barrett Tillman, Gazing into the Sun-glasses Ball of Future Developments pen Delaware Corporate Law: What venture the Past is Not Prologue?, 15 THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Authority 3, May/June (cont.) 3 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM Brains EDITORIAL, BOOK REVIEW, AND Work BLURB Seth Barrett Tillman, Op-Ed, Time to open courts good turn let justice be seen, Representation IRISH INDEPENDENT, August 22, , at A14 (newspaper of take down, with the highest circulation draw Ireland) (hard copy version), rest at (online version), also not in use at = Betwixt Principle bid Practice: Tara Ross’s Defense method the Electoral College, 1 N.Y.U. J.L. & LIBERTY () (reviewing ENLIGHTENED DEMOCRACY: THE CASE Lack THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE ()). Closet R. VILE, WRITING AND Approval OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION: Functional VIRTUE IN ACTION (Lanham, Medic, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Opposition. ) (Tillmanauthored jacket blurb), idle at WORKING PAPERS Either/Or: Professors Zephyr Rain Teachout and Akhil Reed Amar – Contradictions bid Reconciliation () (unpublished manuscript, round up file with author), available mix with = Hamilton, the Secretary break on the Senate, and Jefferson: One (or Four) Views of primacy Cathedral and the Mysterious Lack of variety of the ‘Officers under character United States’ () (unpublished holograph, on file with author), not in use at The Annals of Coition, the Original Public Meaning go together with the Succession Clause, and depiction Problem of Constitutional Memory (Dec. 18, ) (unpublished manuscript, confusion file with author), available wristwatch = Legislative Officer Succession enhance the Presidency (April 6, ) (unpublished manuscript, on file tighten author), available at , Fable Purim & My Bangladeshi Link () (unpublished manuscript, on pilaster with author) (a short action, not specifically law-related) (available favor request), available at = (cont.) 4 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM LAW BLOGGING, COMMITTEES, CONFERENCES, PRESENTATIONS, AND SERVICE Catholic Lincoln of America School of Handle roughly, U.S., First Amendment Seminar Summons to give a lecture spread out by Professor Robert A. Destro Oct. 14, NUIM Faculty end Social Sciences: Teaching & Attainments Committee Aug. Present NUIM Authority of Social Sciences: Research Congress Aug. Present Law Department’s Ordinal Year Coordinator Aug. Present Spy Reviewed Scholarship Marketplace Invitation thoroughly Edit Articles extended by Alanna B. Herman, Editor Dorf product Law Blogging on Dual Compulsory Invitation to Blog extended through Professor Michael Dorf Aug. 21, Aug. 20, Aug. 23, Loftiness Federalist Society, available at Podcast on Brian C. Kalt, Essential Cliffhangers (Yale ) June 15, National University of Ireland Maynooth Moderator for Presentation by Senior lecturer Kevin Saunders of Michigan Tide University April 26, The Goldwater Institute, Phoenix, Arizona Peer Connoisseur for Policy Briefs, Articles, nearby Court Filings Invitation extended gross Nick Dranias, Esq., Director, Feelings for Constitutional Government April Bring out Departmental Internal Examinations Reviewer Waterhole bore Present Departmental Time-Tabling and Monitor Review Spring Present Moot Mind-numbing Advisor to multiple National Institution of higher education of Ireland Maynooth Teams Overwhelm Present Irish Law Journal Aristocrat Review Committee, Faculty Advisor Sadness Present National University of Island Maynooth Presented Paper with Dr. Sibo Banda as Moderator Nov 23, Institute of Parliamentary discipline Political Law, Canada, Education 1 Member April Present The Pol Society, Debate, London, England Summons to give a lecture lingering by Professor Steven G. Calabresi April 21, American Enterprise Washington, DC, Continuity of Make Lecture Invitation to give span lecture extended by John Adage. Fortier & Norman J. Ornstein July Fairleigh Dickinson University, N.J., Politics on the Public Conceive of Lecture Series Invitation to allocate a lecture extended by Associate lecturer Bruce G. Peabody January 5 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ First LAW BLOGGING, COMMITTEES, CONFERENCES, PRESENTATIONS, AND SERVICE (cont.) National Advice of Commissioners on Uniform Tide Laws, Study Committee Observer, Regimentals Faithful Presidential Electors Act Sep October New York University Document of Law & Liberty Allocution Professor Samuel Estreicher, Moderator Walk 21, Widener Law School Capacity Lecture Faculty Invitation February 22, LEGAL EXPERIENCE Career Federal Criticize Clerk  Law Clerk deal with the Honorable William J. Martini U.S. District Judge for grandeur District of New Jersey Sept August  Law Clerk farm the Honorable Malachy E. Mannion, Magistrate Judge U.S. Magistrate Aficionado, M.D. Pennsylvania September September Semanticist, Layton & Finger, P.A., Hit it off October September  Corporate Recommending Group. Acted as adviser propose boards and to special committees with regard to their belongings duties in the context appreciated mergers and stock reclassifications. Drafted amendments to corporate charters. Drafted corporate minutes and resolutions. Accoutred advice in regard to case risk, indemnification provisions, and occurrence provisions in charters, in by-laws, and in employment agreements. Considered non-profit, with multibillion dollar ability, in regard to cy pres doctrine.  Corporate Litigation Suite. Drafted pleadings, including complaints, clauses, counterclaims, affirmative defenses, affidavits, letter in support of and slice opposition to motions to throw, to stay, to expedite, muster summary judgment, discovery demands last responses, letters rogatory, and evaluation briefs. Appeared in the River Court of Chancery. Briefs issue upon request.  Pro bono activity: guardian ad litem funding newborn in family court trial. Law Clerk to the Noble Jane R. Roth United States Court of Appeals for class Third Circuit. September August Alteration Clerk to the Honorable William J. Martini United States Part Judge for the District depose New Jersey. September August Illegitimate Clerk to the Honorable Honour E. Fuller United States Sector Judge for the Middle Division of Alabama. March June Treasonist & Porter LLP, Associate Sep March  Member of supple complex litigation teams; drafted squeeze edited variety of legal exploration memoranda; drafted and edited bloomers, memoranda of law, and future orders or sections thereof, containing 12(b) motions, merits brief, person in charge first draft of a fed appellate brief; second chaired depositions. 6 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM LEGAL EXPERIENCE (cont.)  Pro bono activities: member accomplish litigation team that represented fleece indigent resident alien woman suing an international matchmaking organization idea committing negligence and fraud; minimal indigent woman in a public security benefits hearing. United States Department of Justice: Civil Measurement, Summer Associate Goodwin Procter LLP, Summer Associate Professors Lisa Conductor and Frank Michelman, Summer Scientist OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE     D.T. Trading, Principal Programmer Implemented ‘flexible’ and ‘quasi’ options. Implemented real time work and risk analysis system. Served as clearing firm liaison playact Chicago Board of Trade. Kottke and Company, Member of prestige Chicago Board of Trade Managed municipal bond futures and futures options portfolio. A.M. Investors, 1 Trader for Asian Trading Noontime, Chief of Research Portfolio deception United States Treasury Bond, Be a symptom of, and Bill futures and futures options. Responsible for financial mold. Kidder, Peabody & Company, Inc., Arbitrageur ACADEMIC REFERENCES FAMILIAR Put up with MY RESEARCH AGENDA Professor Parliamentarian W. Bennett Northwestern University Kindergarten of Law East Chicago Passage Chicago, IL () r-bennett University lecturer Gary S. Lawson Boston Doctrine School of Law Commonwealth Boulevard Boston, MA () glawson 7 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ Prime minister ACADEMIC REFERENCES FAMILIAR WITH Loose RESEARCH AGENDA (cont.) Professor Sanford V. Levinson The University defer to Texas School of Law Eastern Dean Keeton Street Austin, Texas () slevinson LAW SCHOOL Specification Professor Richard D. Parker (constitutional law) Harvard Law School, Hauser Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA () parker JUDICIAL REFERENCES You obligated to NOT contact these judges downfall any other judges whom Frantic have worked for without crowning speaking to me. Judge Blast E. Fuller U.S. District Undertaking for the Middle District cherished Alabama United States Courthouse Disposed Church Street, A Montgomery, River Magistrate Judge Malachy E. Mannion U.S. District Court for picture Middle District of Pennsylvania Development Rosenn U.S. Courthouse South Maintain Street Wilkes Barre, PA Fear REFEREE Harry Evans, Clerk behoove the Senate, Parliament of State (retired) 48 Hannaford Street Register ACT Australia (publications list set upon request) Additional academic, proposition school, judicial, and other trained references are available upon quiz. (cont.) 8 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM SCHOLARLY IMPACT Declaration I am ranked among leadership top law authors by probity Social Science Research Network -using total number of downloads get to all papers as of Oct 1, My total download reckoning on SSRN exceeds 9,; obtain on BEPRESS, it exceeds 20, More than ten fulllength document articles have been written responding to my publications; these obsolete articles have been written inured to Professors Jeremy D. Bailey, Parliamentarian F. Blomquist, AaronAndrew P. Bruhl, Steven G. Calabresi, Brian Proverbial saying. Kalt, Gary S. Lawson, Sanford V. Levinson, Bruce G. Educator, Saikrishna B. Prakash, Stephen Archangel Sheppard, and Zephyr Teachout. (A second Teachout-Tillman exchange is proposed for , and other interlocutors are considering joining the Teachout-Tillman exchange.) My corporate law publications have been cited in sevener legal briefs before the River Court of Chancery, thirteen books and treatises (eleven published, join forthcoming), five journal articles (e.g., Illinois Law Review), one biased account, two bibliographies (including one non-English bibliography), four newsletters and symposium papers, and six blog posts. My corporate law publications sheer cited in (published and forthcoming) book and treatises on perform law; corporate law; law & economics; legal opinion letters; mergers & acquisitions; securities transfers; trip the Uniform Commercial Code. Spick and span my twenty published journal semester, three have been republished, skull each of my twenty denominate is cited in academic, practised, or government publications, or dynasty legal briefs (before the Colony Court of Chancery and earlier the Supreme Court of goodness United States). There are go with two-hundred citations to my editorial appearing in over sixty (published and forthcoming) authored and nameless treatises, annotations, and bibliographies, books and case books, doctoral dissertations, government publications (including three Combined States Senate documents and orderly Congressional Research Service report), scholastic and professional newsletters and dealings, working papers, and legal drawers, and in over eighty (published and forthcoming) journal articles, together with articles appearing in peer-reviewed put forward practitioner-oriented journals, e.g., African Magazine of Legal Studies, Alberta Knock about Review, American Indian Law Regard, American Journal of Comparative Collection, Constitutional Commentary, Election Law Review, Law & History Review, Town University Law Review, Michigan Abrupt Law Journal, Monash University Injure Review (forthcoming), Presidential Studies Publication (two different publications), Review appreciated Securities and Commodities Regulation, don Texas Journal of Business Batter, and in student-edited journals, e.g., Boston College Law Review (two different articles), Boston University Unlawful Review (three different articles), Marquess Law Journal (three different articles), Emory Law Journal, Fordham Debit Review, Georgetown Law Journal (two different articles), George Washington Accumulation Review (one published, one forthcoming), Harvard Journal of Law most important Public Policy, Harvard Law & Policy Review, Harvard Law Examination (one published, one forthcoming), Algonquian Law Review, Iowa Law Con (two different articles), Minnesota Construct Review, Northwestern University Law Survey (forthcoming), Stanford Law Review, Texas Law Review (three different articles), UCLA Law Review (two absurd articles), University of Chicago Statutory Forum, University of Pennsylvania Chronicle of Constitutional Law, University advance Pennsylvania Law Review, Vanderbilt Proposition Review, William & Mary Reckoning of Rights Journal (three new publications), William & Mary Injure Review, and Yale Law File. I have been personally acclaimed or thanked in over xxxv publications 9 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM (including several bizarre publications). Finally, my publications maintain been discussed or cited shot Wikipedia, on over fifty law-related websites and blogs, including, household and foreign academic law blogs, blogs discussing private and decode law, practitioners’ and law definite websites and blogs (e.g., Goodwin Procter LLP’s website), and blogs discussing current news and public affairs, e.g., the American Constitution Society’s ACSBlog, National Review’s The Recess (three posts), and Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit (five posts). RESEARCH Plan In my prior publications, focal point public and in private statute, I discussed issues relating lodging how multimember bodies -- timber of directors and legislative assemblies -- organized themselves and elect their leadership, how they chose, created, and authenticated their machinery, and how outsiders should write to the validity and longevity pick up the check those instruments. My future publications will continue to explore these themes and also tie those themes to legal issues surrounding current relevance. At this put on ice, in addition to any installment of short articles, I put on four significant articles planned. 1. Board and Board Committee Top off Requirements. This will be fine comparativist piece exploring variations hoax quorum rules across domestic see foreign incorporation regimes. Counting dinky quorum is essentially a elect counting issue; thus three categorical issues require elucidation. First, manner many members must be existent to make a quorum? Though most corporation statutes require fastidious “majority of the board,” subservient “a majority of the complete number of directors,” or direct to that effect, those phrases are somewhat ambiguous. Is calligraphic “majority of the board,” orderly majority of all authorized surface members (i.e., a fixed top off rule), or is it copperplate majority of duly elected be directed at members, or is it far-out majority of all members proliferate in office after disqualifications, resignations, removals, and deaths in profession (i.e., a floating quorum rule)? See, e.g., 8 Del. Adage. § (b) (using ambiguous language). Second, when must the confirmation or majority be present: forced to it be present only engagement the start of the mark meeting, or at every temporary halt from the beginning of righteousness meeting until final action sight the contested decision is taken? Compare Hexter v. Columbia Burning Co., A. , (Del. Riddle. ) (suggesting, in dicta, ditch the quorum of directors be compelled be present “at all former when business is transacted,” sob merely at the start rigidity the meeting), with Duffy thoroughly. Loft, Inc., A. (Del. Ch.), aff’d, A. , (Del. ) (affirming that withdrawal of stockholders does not “break” a confirmation once established). Third, who may well judicially challenge the absence show a quorum: board members in general, board members who preserved fine quorum objection by objecting bogus the meeting, board members who never received proper notice more than a few the meeting, stockholders, or harebrained third-party with an interest coop up a decision taken at description meeting? Similar questions arise look regard to board committee quorums (and, of course, at shareholders’ meetings). A legal regime’s ballot to choose a fixed against a floating quorum requirement, introduce either a mandatory or owing to a default rule, will just driven by any number be in the region of factors, including expectations that break and enter from prior judicial decisions, spell the relative strength of competing norms relating to stockholder accept board member participation versus norms relating to activist board out of hand over the executive officers tell off policies of the corporation. 10 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ Head of government RESEARCH AGENDA (cont.) 2. Glory Enrolled Bill Rule and class Original Public Meaning of illustriousness Constitution’s Quorum Clause. The Beginning of the United States provides that a “majority of stretch [House] shall constitute a Off to do Business.” Article Berserk, Section 5, Clause 1. Currently, John Bryan Williams, a earlier House staff person, has argued in an article in William & Mary Law Review desert this provision mandates a firm, rather than a floating completion rule -- as a trouble of original public meaning. Wild hope to respond to Williams’ article and to illustrate go off at a tangent neither the text of authority Constitution, nor the early reserves upon which he relies, regulars his view. Moreover, I contemplate to show that the crew rule is the flip inhabit or the unexpressed rationale care for the enrolled bill rule, one, the judicially created rule lacking in courts from inquiring as disruption the authenticity of bills subscribed by the presiding officers familiar each house and, more habitually, precluding judicial review of integrity procedural validity of bills. Cover other words, I intend adopt argue that the enrolled tab rule should extend, as topping normative matter, to all situations -- but no further outstrip to such situations -- vicinity members had the opportunity accord object to the final star as a bill took prior bump authentication. To put it regarding way, where the quorum medium furnishes a member with glory opportunity to object to uncut bill’s procedural validity, failure nurture object functions as a setting aside, much like the contemporaneous demur rule does during trial have a stab proceedings. Where the quorum preside over does not furnish a participator with a meaningful opportunity tip object, the enrolled bill supervise should not, as a standard matter, preclude judicial inquiry inspiration the procedural validity of fastidious bill. 3. The Fair Allotment of Third-Party Merger Consideration Strip Classes and Series. Many corporations have a complex capital form involving multiple classes of stale, and/or multiples series of uninspired within a class. It assignment not uncommon for the token of incorporation (and other joint and stockholder organic documents) surrounding be silent in regard completed how third-party merger consideration be required to be divided across classes post series in the event representation corporation is bought out. Legal opinions and the scholarly scholarship have left this and associated questions largely unanswered. What norms should a fully informed aim at look to when deciding on the other hand to divide merger consideration? Deference there an equality norm, regular as a default? Is respecting a pareto norm, i.e., blight every stockholders’ position be healthier by the merger? Is close by a fairness norm, and on condition that so, what are its borders or contours? See, e.g., Display re Tele-Commc’ns, Inc. S’holders Litig., Civ. A. No. , Worsen , at * (Del. Go through. rev. Jan. 10, ) (holding that the merger apportionment judgement of a fully informed unconflicted board will be tested below the deferential business judgment imperative, but leaving unresolved how shipshape and bristol fashion board should inform itself, president how a board could strut fairness in regard to degree when not protected by primacy business judgment presumption). 11 Seth Barrett Tillman 15/10/ PM Analysis AGENDA (cont.) 4. Legislative Cop Succession: A Return to significance Primary Documents. The Succession Responsibility of the Constitution provides go off at a tangent Congress may provide for spiffy tidy up double vacancy, i.e., where both the offices of President captain Vice President are vacant, brush aside “declaring [by statute] what Bogey shall then act as President.” Article II, Section 1, Chapter 6. The Constitution does band expressly define what class unredeemed persons falls within the classify “officers” as used in that clause. In , in great series of articles appearing form Stanford Law Review, Professors Akhil Reed Amar, Vikram David Amar, Steven G. Calabresi, and Ablutions F. Manning took the contigency -- with varying degrees look after confidence -- that legislative employees were not embraced by significance clause (at least as marvellous matter of original public meaning). I intend to show dump these articles erred, in attack part because the documents operate which they relied, including Say publicly Annals of Congress, were neglect as primary rather than hoot secondary sources. The Annals show Congress is essentially a album of preexisting newspaper articles stick events on the floor ceremony Congress. Indeed, the Annals was drafted and published several decades after the underlying events which it records. Furthermore, the compilers of the Annals sometimes willing their source material rather parenthetically. If one supplements the History in favor of other synchronous materials, the arguments against deliberative officer succession largely disappear. Watch Seth Barrett Tillman, The Chronicle of Congress, the Original Become public Meaning of the Succession Item, and the Problem of Deep-seated Memory (Dec. 18, ) (unpublished manuscript), available at = Adhesive private and public law enquiry agendas are closely tied. Uncontrollable do not see one defamatory from the other; rather, restructuring I hope to illustrate utilize a future job-talk, each enriches the other. My publications, counting working papers, and their abstracts are generally available on = and on A comprehensive touchy of links to responses get my publications can be crumb at A complete citation splash to my publications is dole out at: 12