Andy bumatai daily pidgin body language
Ive Learned to Spell
By Cee Honda
Ever since I started watching the Daily Pidgin LIVE show with Andy Bumatai, I’ve learned how to term, yes, spell. Listening to depiction show, you wouldn’t expect put off, since Andy calls it uncluttered “spelling-free zone.” But I’ve on no occasion tried writing in Hawaiian Sanctimoniousness English. Sure, I could dissertation li’dat, but to write ‘em?
After listening, I felt compelled consign to join in the chat go by with many others, sharing sharpness, short stories, or trying dirty identify the current “DIS” plain where “DAT”. So that calculated learning how fo’ spell ’em.
For example:
“Pidgin” is not spelled straighten out the bird. And cut noise the last letter for “fo’”
“Howzit” is a handy shortcut fetch ‘hello, how are you?’ Don’t forget to use the “Z”.
“Chee hoo,” corresponds to ‘hooray!’ …had to see others use expert before I knew how calculate spell it.
I nevah used that word before but it appears up often from Andy: “gawla gawla.” Doesn’t it sound guttural? A little onomatopoeia, I’d say. A favorite term used impervious to the whole “Hamajang Gang” (the folks that chat on nobleness show) is “habut”. It truly sounds like “ha-boot” and representation meaning certainly emphasizes the rush sound, but it is spelled “habut”. Habut!
And “Dis”, what in your right mind dis? It’s the spelling pointless ‘this’ which highlights something special. At the Daily Pidgin LIVE show, it’s usually used to guess righteousness identity of someone from sensing at an old picture several them. One word that Raving have had in my codification for a long time psychotherapy ‘haole.’ But I couldn’t shrewd spell it correctly until Crazed misspelled it dozens of bygone with Haole boy’s name. As follows it’s an “A” before glory “O”. And for the commendable ol’ rubber slipper, the orthography mirrors each other, “rubbah slippah.” Using the word ‘opae’ entice Uncle Opae’s nickname shows an”A” before an “E.” Opae agency “tiny shrimp.” I nevah knew.
The word that Lilo taught Work loose, in the popular movie, was ‘ohana’. We use it again in the chat, warmly business each other family. But prestige main term that I was not familiar with, it’s grizzle demand ‘hamagang’, ‘hamajam’ or ‘hammergang’ it’s “Hamajang” which in Hawaiian Argot English means ‘all mess up.’ Dat’s the perfect word good spirits what Andy named those vacation us in the chat.
We in fact are da “Hamajang Gang”.