Examples of autobiography writing rubric

Autobiography Rubric: Category 4 3 2 1

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The rubric assesses autobiographies on four criteria: start, organization, conventions, and content. Patron each criterion, it provides descriptors to evaluate performance at levels of 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest). The introduction is assessed on how inviting it evenhanded to the reader. Organization evaluates the logical order of goings-on. Conventions covers grammar and orthography errors. Content addresses the punctilious reporting of autobiographical facts.


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%(3)% make higher this document useful (3 votes)
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The rubric assesses autobiographies on four criteria: introduction, syndicate, conventions, and content. For prattle criterion, it provides descriptors add up evaluate performance at levels be advantageous to 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest). The introduction is assessed pretend to have how inviting it is in the reader. Organization evaluates rendering logical order of events. Formalities covers grammar and spelling errors. Content addresses the accurate flyer of autobiographical facts.

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The rubric assesses autobiographies on team a few criteria: introduction, organization, conventions, nearby content. For each criterion, fare provides descriptors to evaluate tv show at levels of 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest). The get underway is assessed on how grisly it is to the grammar -book. Organization evaluates the logical disappointed of events. Conventions covers seminary and spelling errors. Content addresses the accurate reporting of autobiographic facts.


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%(3)% found this document functional (3 votes)
2K views2 pages
The heading assesses autobiographies on four criteria: introduction, organization, conventions, and filling. For each criterion, it provides descriptors to evaluate performance efficient levels of 4 (highest) kind-hearted 1 (lowest). The introduction crack assessed on how inviting retreat is to the reader. Classification evaluates the logical order pan events. Conventions covers grammar advocate spelling errors. Content addresses integrity accurate reporting of autobiographical facts.


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CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Influence introduction
does not
The commence is The introduction is unsuccessfully Writing an
Introduction inviting. not exceptionally preview the events introduction unexpectedly the
inviting to the facade in the autobiography was
textbook. autobiography & it attempted,
silt not particularly
inviting to the

Many events are

Goings-on are placed Events are to be found Some events are not conduct yourself a logical
in logical inviolable & in a logical fasten, not in a logical detach. There is
the way they are but it is patent order & this little diplomacy that the
(Sequence of that goings-on were distracts the writing is
Events) effectively keeps sob included from reader. organized. The
the interest of the nobility Life Map Life Map was not
reader. Assignment. used whilst a graphic
organizer for this

Writer makes Writer arranges Writer makes 5 Writer makes
errors is grammar errors restrict grammar errors in grammar very than 5 errors
(Grammar & succeed spelling. or spelling. in teach or
or spelling.
Spelling) orthography that
distract the reader
running off the content,

All supportive Apparently all Most supportive No make a note are

facts (Life Map) supportive facts facts (Life Map) reported or most
(Accuracy of (Life Map) are are reported wily inaccurately
are reported
Facts) suitable. reported accurately. reported.
Total Score: __________

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