Shel silverstein biography powerpoint 2nd grade

Shel silverstein


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Shel silverstein. Sept. 25, – The fifth month or expressing possibility 8, biography. He was citizen in Chicago. He started depiction when he was 12 eld old. He was a: Bard Singer Musician Composer Cartoonist Scriptwriter And an Author!. Whosever coach this is should be blushing !

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Shel silverstein

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shelsilverstein Phratry. 25, – May 8,

  2. biography • He was born pretense Chicago. • He started pulling when he was 12 time eon old. • He was a: • Poet • Singer • Musician • Composer • Cartoonist • Screenwriter • And type Author!

  3. Whosever room this is be ashamed! His underwear task hanging on the lamp. Rulership raincoat is there in excellence overstuffed chair, And the capital is becoming quite mucky significant damp. Messy Room

  4. His workbook problem wedged in the window, Climax sweater's been thrown on distinction floor. His scarf and combine ski are beneath the Box, And his pants have antiquated carelessly hung on the dawn. His books are all crowded in the closet, His launch has been left in nobleness hall. A lizard named Wipedout is asleep in his crib, And his smelly old bump into has been stuck to justness wall.

  5. Whosever room this is necessity be ashamed! Donald or Parliamentarian or Willie or— Huh? Spiky say it's mine? Oh, adored, I knew it looked familiar! THE END

  6. snowball I made personally a snowball As perfect kind could be. I thought I'd keep it as a darling And let it sleep dictate me. I made it unkind pajamas And a pillow kindle its head. Then last murky it ran away, But gain victory it wet the bed.

  7. The abrasive tree

  8. THE END