The top ten Kenyan books of the past 50 years nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Miguna39;s book surprised many on its release. The most secure business venture in Kenya is running a bookshop.
Gabriel García MárquezColombian writer and Nobel laureate ()In this Spanish name, the first or paternal32;surname is García32;and the second or maternal family name is Márquez. Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez (Latin American Spanish:91;93;;91;a93; 6 March 17 April ) was a Colombian writer and journalist, known affectionately as Gabo (91;ˈɡaβo93;) or Gabito (91;ɡaˈβito93;) throughout Latin America.
Rory CalhounAmerican film and television actor, screenwriter and producerDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Early Life and Juvenile DelinquencyJuvenile Delinquency and IncarcerationEarly Career in HollywoodMeeting Henry Willson and Rise to StardomPublicity and Criminal PastFilm CareerWestern and Other GenresTelevision CareerPersonal Life and LegacyPaternity CaseDeath and RecognitionEarly Life and Juvenile DelinquencyBirth and FamilyFrancis Timothy McCown was born on August 8, , in Los Angeles, California, but grew up in Santa Cruz, California. His father passed away when he was nine months old.
Charo BogarínArgentine singerCharo BogarínBogarín performing with Tonolec in Born () 24 September (age;52)Clorinda, Formosa, ArgentinaGenresFolkOccupationsYears activepresentLabelsLa CharoMusical artistCharo Bogarín (born 24 September ) is an Argentine singer, songwriter and actress. She is better known as half of the folclore duo Tonolec, alongside Diego Pérez.
Roux shabangu biography templateThe story of JB Holdings is fundamentally tied to the vision and leadership of its Pioneer and Chairman, Roux Shabangu. A self-made entrepreneur, Shabangu has transformed JB Holdings into a multi-faceted conglomerate with interests in property development, mining, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, tell more.
PRESS PRODUCTION INFORMATIONPress ReleaseWord Doc| PDF| WebFilm InfoElectronic Press Kit(Contact us to request access) Stills GalleryGenre: Documentary, DramaRelease Date: Running Time: min. Director: Greg Everett Cast: Mike Burgener, John Thrush, Jim Schmitz, Bob Takano, Kevin Doherty, Paul Doherty, Danny Camargo, Greg EverettDistributor: Catalyst AthleticsOfficial Website: SynopsisAmerican Weightlifting is the story of a sport in turmoil and the athletes and coaches whose passion drives them to succeed despite the odds.
Celebrate the life and legacy of Diana, Princess of Wales with our collectorsx27; magazinePresenting a fascinating exploration of one of the greatest icons of our time, HELLO. is proud to announce the publication of Diana: A 60th Birthday Tribute.
Willa Paskin BiographyWilla Paskin is a native American journalist currently serving as a television critic at Slate. Apart from serving as a television critic, she also hosts the network;s podcast Decoder Ring.
Amilcare Ponchielli Born: Paderno, 31 August Died: Milan, 16 January OperasIL SINDACO BABBEO Group project; Ponchielli wrote the introduction and one aria. Opera Buffa, libretto by G.
goldsmithjewelry designer Gurhan Orhan, is a jewelry designer and master goldsmith known for his work with pure gold, pure platinum, and pure silver. Career Gurhan began his career as a jewelry designer at age 40, having discovered pure gold and, falling for its allure, deciding to master the craft of working in the pure metal.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in , in the heart of the Renaissance in the heart of Europe. He was born outside Vinci, which lies high up on Mount Albano, in the valley of the Arno River, near the city of Florence.
मंगल पांडेमंगल पाण्डेय एक भारतीय स्वतंत्रता सेनानी थे जिन्होंने में भारत के प्रथम स्वाधीनता संग्राम में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई। वो ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की 34वीं बंगाल इंफेन्ट्री के सिपाही थे। तत्कालीन अंग्रेजी शासन ने उन्हें बागी करार दिया जबकि आम हिंदुस्तानी उन्हें आजादी की लड़ाई के नायक के रूप में सम्मान देता है। भारत के स्वाधीनता संग्राम में उनकी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका को लेकर भारत सरकार द्वारा उनके सम्मान में सन् में एक डाक टिकट जारी किया गया। तथा मंगल पांडे द्वारा गाय की चर्बी मिले कारतूस को मुँह से काटने से मना कर दिया था,फलस्वरूप उन्हे गिरफ्तार कर 8 अप्रैल को फांसी दे दी गई| जीवन परिचयमंगल पाण्डेय का जन्म भारत में उत्तर प्रदेश के बलिया जिले के नगवा नामक गांव में एक "ब्राह्मण" परिवार में हुआ था।91;193;91;293;91;393;इनके पिता का नाम दिवाकर पांडे था। " ब्राह्मण" होने के कारण मंगल पाण्डेय सन् में 22 साल की उम्र में ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की सेना मे बंगाल नेटिव इन्फेंट्री की ३४वी बटालियन मे भर्ती किये गए, जिसमें ज्यादा संख्या मे ब्राह्मणो को भर्ती की जाती थी। का विद्रोहविद्रोह का प्रारम्भ एक बंदूक की वजह से हुआ। सिपाहियों को पैटऱ्न १८५३ एनफ़ील्ड बंदूक दी गयीं जो कि ०. ५७७ कैलीबर की बंदूक थी तथा पुरानी और कई दशकों से उपयोग में लायी जा रही ब्राउन बैस के मुकाबले में शक्तिशाली और अचूक थी। नयी बंदूक में गोली दागने की आधुनिक प्रणाली (प्रिकशन कैप) का प्रयोग किया गया था परन्तु बंदूक में गोली भरने की प्रक्रिया पुरानी थी। नयी एनफ़ील्ड बंदूक भरने के लिये कारतूस को दांतों से काट कर खोलना पड़ता था और उसमे भरे हुए बारुद को बंदूक की नली में भर कर कारतूस को डालना पड़ता था। कारतूस का बाहरी आवरण में चर्बी होती थी जो कि उसे पानी की सीलन से बचाती थी। सिपाहियों के बीच अफ़वाह फ़ैल चुकी थी कि कारतूस में लगी हुई चर्बी सुअर और गाय के मांस से बनायी जाती है। २९ मार्च १८५७ को बैरकपुर परेड मैदान कलकत्ता के निकट मंगल पाण्डेय जो दुगवा रहीमपुर(फैजाबाद) के रहने वाले थे रेजीमेण्ट के अफ़सर लेफ़्टीनेण्ट बाग पर हमला कर के उसे घायल कर दिया। जनरल जान हेएरसेये के अनुसार मंगल पाण्डेय किसी प्रकार के धार्मिक पागलपन में थे जनरल ने जमादार ईश्वरी प्रसाद ने मंगल पांडेय को गिरफ़्तार करने का आदेश दिया पर ज़मीदार ने मना कर दिया। सिवाय एक सिपाही शेख पलटु को छोड़ कर सारी रेजीमेण्ट ने मंगल पाण्डेय को गिरफ़्तार करने से मना कर दिया। मंगल पाण्डेय ने अपने साथियों को खुलेआम विद्रोह करने के लिये कहा पर किसी के ना मानने पर उन्होने अपनी बंदूक से अपनी प्राण लेने का प्रयास किया। परन्तु वे इस प्रयास में केवल घायल हुये। ६ अप्रैल १८५७ को मंगल पाण्डेय का कोर्ट मार्शल कर दिया गया और ८ अप्रैल को फ़ांसी दे दी गयी। विद्रोह का परिणाममंगल पांडे द्वारा लगायी गयी विद्रोह की यह चिंगारी बुझी नहीं। एक महीने बाद ही १० मई सन् १८५७ को मेरठ की छावनी में कोतवाल धनसिंह गुर्जर के नेतृत्व में बगावत हो गयी। ओर गुर्जर धनसिंह कोतवाल इस के जनक के रूप में सामने आए यह विप्लव देखते ही देखते पूरे उत्तरी भारत में फैल गया जिससे अंग्रेजों को स्पष्ट संदेश मिल गया कि अब भारत पर राज्य करना उतना आसान नहीं है जितना वे समझ रहे थे। इसके बाद ही हिन्दुस्तान में चौंतीस हजार सात सौ पैंतीस अंग्रेजी कानून यहाँ की जनता पर लागू किये गये ताकि मंगल पाण्डेय सरीखा कोई सैनिक दोबारा भारतीय शासकों के विरुद्ध बगावत न कर सके।91;493;सन्दर्भबाहरी कड़ियाँ .
David Hume PhilosopherSpecialtyScottish EnlightenmentBornMay 7, Edinburgh, ScotlandDiedAug. 25, (at age 65) Edinburgh, ScotlandNationalityScottishDavid Hume was one of the more influential philosophers in history.
Collection inventoryBiographical HistoryLuise Kaish () was an American expressionist sculptor. She was the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, Rome Prize Fellowship (American Academy in Rome), and Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Grant, and received the Arents Pioneer Medal from her alma mater, Syracuse University.
About Island Touch Dance Academy Founded in , Island Touch Dance Academy is one of the hottest dance companies in the world, providing the highest level in dance entertainment with solo, couple and group performances in Bachata and Salsa. We provide Bachata and Salsa choreographies for music videos concerts, DJ services for large dance events, and contract dance instructors who teach workshops and provide event entertainment.
Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis, The Order from the powerHouse Shop nbsp;ISBN: By J Henry FairBy J Henry FairWith essays by James Hansen, Allen Hershkowitz, Jack Hitt, Roger D. Hodge, Frances Mayes, John Rockwell, and Tensie WhelanEnvironment Photography Green Journalism Hardcover 12 x 9 inches pages 80 full-color photographs ISBN: nbsp;As seen on The Today Show!The Day After Tomorrow: Images of our Earth in Crisis takes readers on a journey to bear witness to the environmental destruction that is currently plaguing our planet: From a forest in West Virginia devastated by mountaintop removal mining, to a region in Florida left in ruins by the phosphate mining industry, J Henry Fair presents hard evidence that our unchecked consumerism is leading the way in the destruction of our planet, one natural resource at a time.
BatmanReal name:Bruce Thomas WayneAbilities:Genius-level intelligenceMaster detectiveMaster escapologistPeak human physical conditionMaster martial artistAccess to high tech equipment"Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot. So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts.
Danse des petits cygnesFourth movement of the 13th scene of Swan Lake, Act IIDanse des petits cygnes is a dance from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, from the ballet's second act, the fourth movement of No. Translated from French, it means "Dance of the Little Swans", also known as "Dance of the Cygnets".
Fille CayetanoFilipino volleyball playerIn this Philippine name;for married women, the birth middle name or maternal family name is Nombres, the birth surname or paternal family name is Cainglet, and the marital name is Cayetano. Fille Saint Merced Nombres Cainglet-Cayetano (born January 30, ) is a Filipinavolleyball player of the Creamline Cool Smashers in the Premier Volleyball League (PVL).
Edward Richard ShawAmerican writerEdward Richard ShawBornBellport, NYDiedYonkers, NYResting placeBellport, NYNationalityAmericanOccupationEducatorKnown;forChildren's BooksEdward Richard Shaw () was a Professor and Dean, New York University, and author of numerous books, primarily children's schoolbooks. Shaw was born in at Bellport, New York (part of Long Island).
Quick FactsDuleeka Marapana BiographyDuleeka Marapana is one of the most popular and richest Actor who was born on November 15, in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. Duleeka Marapana started her acting career in while in university, starring in various stage dramas.
Kathryn StockettAmerican novelistKathryn Stockett is an American novelist. She is known for her debut novel, The Help, which is about African-Americanmaids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi, during the s.
Kruttika RavindraBook A Personalised Celebrity Wish From Kruttika RavindraLooking to add an extra touch of magic and excitement to your special celebrations. Look no further.
Albert KingAmerican blues musician ()For other people named Albert King, see Albert King (disambiguation). Musical artistAlbert Nelson (April 25, ; December 21, ), known by his stage nameAlbert King, was an American guitarist and singer who is often regarded as one of the greatest and most influential blues guitarists of all time.
Des van RooyenEx-Finance Minister of South AfricaDavid Douglas "Des" van Rooyen (born 20 November ) is the former Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Minister of Finance of the Republic of South Africa. He took office on 13 December and was dropped from cabinet on 27 February by President Cyril Ramaphosa.
Fariba SheikhanEste artículo o sección tiene referencias, pero necesita más para complementar su verificabilidad. Busca fuentes:«Fariba Sheikhan» ; noticias;· libros;· académico;· imágenesEste aviso fue puesto el 7 de marzo de Fariba Sheikhan Uriarte (Guernica, Vizcaya, 7 de marzo de ) es una actrizespañola, de origen persa, [1]; conocida principalmente por su papel como Inés Mendizábal en la serie diaria El secreto de Puente Viejo.
Moody: A Man used of GodPortrait of the inspirational preacher and evangelist, D L MoodyDwight Lyman Moody went from humble, uneducated beginnings to being mightily used by God. He proves that God can truly use anybody from anywhere; you do not need to be a Bible scholar to be successful in the Lord.
Vakkantham VamsiVakkantham Vamsi Biography Vakkantham Vamsi is an actor, dialogue writer, screenwriter and director in Telugu cinema. He is the son of legendary Telugu writer, Vakkantham Suryanarayana Rao and continues his legacy in writings.
Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich assassination in PragueReinhard Heydrich, the commander of the German Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), the acting governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and a principal architect of the Holocaust,91;193; was assassinated during the Second World War in a coordinated operation by the Czechoslovak resistance. The assassination attempt, code-named Operation Anthropoid, was carried out by resistance operatives Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš on 27 May 91;293; Heydrich was wounded in the attack and died of his injuries on 4 June.
We Finally Know Who The Father Of Rory Gilmores Baby Really IsWhen Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino finally had the opportunity to share the finale she had always dreamed for Netflix in , you would think every mystery would be solved. After seven seasons and the four-part limited seriesGilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, we should know everything, right.
The life of Elizabeth I was anything but expected. On 7 September , Henry VIII was preparing to announce the birth of a son his long-awaited male heir when a second daughter, Elizabeth, arrived instead.
Interviewing an Olympic champion is something special and always delivers thought-provoking words and ideas; its a unique kind of education. Following the stories of the first 13 Olympic champions in the series, winners from to , we now share the words of Elnur Mammadli, Olympic champion in the kg category.
Martin GarrixDutch DJ and producerDate of Birth: Country: NetherlandsContent:Biography of Martin GarrixRising Career and SuccessBreakthrough with AnimalsContinued Success and CollaborationsRecent ReleasesBiography of Martin GarrixEarly Life and Passion for MusicMartijn Garritsen, known by his stage name Martin Garrix, was born on May 14, , in Amstelveen, Netherlands. He developed a passion for music at the young age of four when he started learning the guitar.